Sunday, September 16, 2012

Light vs. Dark

Lately I have been contemplating three very important talks. The first is entitled Patterns of Light by Elder Bednar and the second is entitled The Light in their Eyes by James E. Faust The last one is entitled Agency and Accountability By Elder Shayne M. Bowen These are very good talks that teach us important truths. One is the fact that we have good and evil in us. It is like two wolves fighting to see who wins in the end. The one we feed is the one who will win. If we want the evil wolf to win, we feed him evil. If we want the good wolf to win, we will feed him with good. Starving the evil wolf is a process and takes time but eventually the wolf dies. This process can seem hard at times but have you ever noticed that when you are hungry and you begin to eat, you want more? So it will be with feeding the evil or good wolves inside of us. If we feed the good wolf, the good wolf will want more. If we feed the evil wolf, we will develop a habit of feeding it and it will grow very large. Kill the evil wolf. That is the goal. Now this goal is wonderful but we need direction and this is where the other talks come into play. The evil wolf feeds on darkness and the good wolf feeds on light. As we allow more light to enter us through our choice entertainment, choices, habits and actions, we feed the good wolf. This all boils down to what we are exposed to. We must be careful to expose ourselves to light if we wish to feed the good wolf. Avoid darkness. We cannot avoid all darkness but we can take as many precautions as are essential to avoid any darkness that an evil wolf can feed on. Surround yourself with goodness, light, truth, joy and uplifting things that will help you want to be better. Introduce uplifting and good things to others. Avoid surrounding yourselves with filth and bad things. This will only make you dark and feed the evil wolf. If you continue to feed the evil wolf, you will have much darkness in you. Have you ever met people that seem to never be shocked at evil but actually embrace it and get mad at you for shunning it? This is because they have allowed more darkness than light to come upon them. The things that they would have never approved of before are embraced and accepted. This is scary. Realize that you must never subject yourselves to material or situations where you can feed the evil wolf. Keep darkness far from you. The good thing is that we can fill our souls with light. The more light we have, the more light we will desire until we are filled with light and there is no darkness in us. Last it is important to note the source of all light. The source of all light comes from Christ so we should never take credit for the light we have. It is the light of Christ. Ever look at a child and see the light that they have in their eyes? That is the light of Christ and children are alive in Christ. May we all seek light and flee from darkness. <3 Below is a picture I made awhile back on the importance of what we are exposed to. If we want light, we expose ourselves to all light. That means everything that is good and draws us to Christ.

1 comment:

Madsens said...

Hey, I didn't know you were still blogging. I'm so sorry, I should have read this earlier. Excellent topic and discussion.